Reconnecting a Broken World
Why is Project Ohana so important to us? Why does it seem like we have so much going on and so many different ways for YOU involved? We consistently ask ourselves that question. Simply put because we saw a need and decided to be intentional about standing in the gap to labor towards meeting that need. Since 2009 we have been working to “Reconnect A Broken World”
Bringing Light for the Glory of God
Yes, we know that the image of Pastor Joseph Koech leading his church in worship is blurred and out of focus (An image is taken from the video above (Taken out of a video Pastor Joseph sent us of his church service.)). We think it shows the reality of life in Kenya. In Kenya, they do not have the latest iPhone or Samsung to take great videos. They also do not have electricity and often meet without protection from the elements. World Prayr is partnering with Pastor Joseph to change that. See this wonderful story laid out in images in the video above.

Helping People to Meditate on the Word in Their Native Tongue
"Majority of our church members are from Buddhist background. Therefore they need to study and read God's word so that they may have a strong faith even to be able to share the gospel to others. Translated books will also enable those who cannot attend church because of work to read books at home."
- Pastor Thuam Suan, Project leader for translation projects, Myanmar/Burma
Find out how we are working with Pastor Thuam to meet this need and provide a valuable commodity to his church and community by watching the above video.
Measured Impact
Even During A Pandemic World Prayr Is Making A Difference
"I have more time to read the book during covid-19 restriction days. I would say the book is a guide to my life how to walk in His grace. I am very happy for having this book with me so that I can read it at anytime."
- Daw Aye Myint, Recipient of Walking In God's Grace, Burmese Translation, Myanmar/Burma
Meet A Need
Being Used In Ways Only God Could Make Happen.
One book is being used in ways that we never would have imagined it could be.